What Inspires You?

I have always been inspired by nature! Something happens to you when you are outside, usually by yourself, and you feel the sun on your skin or the subtle breeze on your face. It’s magic and it feels perfect! This of course may depend where you live in the world and what the weather is like near you.

What inspired me to write Valentine Tree was of course, a tree. It was the picture I put on the cover that I came across awhile back. At the time, my kids were still babies and I was always trying to think of ways to “plant kindness seeds” in them. I also loved the idea of “planting” notes for people to find and the idea that Valentine’s Day is more than just a day to show love, but a day to grow love. Sending little valentines notes to kids in class or your family members is a great way to start. You may not know how a small act of kindness can one day turn into a ripple of hope and change for the world.

So I wrote Valentine Tree with a hope of planting seeds of kindness and love for tomorrow’s children.

If you read the book, tell me how you liked it below. Or just tell me what inspires you in the comments.

1 comment

  1. I personally love this book, because it invites the reader to find ways to “plant seeds of hope”. You managed to capture images that evoke “seeds of change”. Thank you for reminding us how far kindness can go (& how vital it is to constant evolution).

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