When I was a kid, I can remember always getting my “stuff to do” bag ready for trips. Whether we were traveling great lengths across the US in our family motorhome or taking a short trip to the mountains, I always had to pack an activity bag.
Now that I am a busy mom with busy kids of my own, I realize how incredibly important the “stuff to do” bag is! My mom must have been a genius to somehow make it sound important and fun at the same time… and she always made ME be in charge of it! I got to pick what went in the “stuff to do” bag. It was always an essential part of the packing and getting ready for a trip.

When my kids were younger, it seemed like the activity bag had to include giant toys, blankets, and stuffed animals. This was not convenient if we were trying to pack “light”. Now that they are a little older, we can include more big kid books for reading, drawing, math games, boredom busters, jokes… and their favorite MAD Libs!

So I’ve created a fun little St. Patrick’s Day themed Mad Libs inspired activity for you to download and enjoy with kiddos… and hopefully get a few laughs out of them! 🙂

It’s always fun to try to write your own limerick poems or have the kids create their own Mad Libs story too!

I love it when my kids want to pack their own “stuff to do” bag. It always surprises me the books or toys they pick. More often, however, they need a few reminders and a few items to get them started. I love throwing in mini hand sized easy-to-carry-on the go activity books.
So we created just that. A few small sized activity books that are jam packed with fun spring holiday themed games, puzzles… and more!
We hope you enjoy them! Comment below with your favorite “stuff to do” bag items. Are you planning to road trip for Spring Break or this summer?

Here are some other fun items for your kids’ stuff to do bag:
If you know someone who could use a few suggestions for their “stuff to do” bag, share this post with them!